Week Two: Math + Art

I have always been drawn more to technical subjects like math or science, and have never really had an interest in abstract subjects like art. These subjects are very subjective and can be perceived differently from person to person, however there are still some mathematical principles involved that play a role in art. For example architecture involves lots of shapes and geometry principles which allow many different types of ideas for buildings. Maurits Cornelius Escher's woodcuts, mezzotints and lithographs were admired by mathematicians because his work created a visualization of mathematic principles. He used geometry to create his different works and was inspired to go further to create "impossible" figures. By using black and white in some of his works he was able to create different dimensions and make images that should be impossible, possible.

One of the mathematical ratios that is commonly found in nature is 1 : 1.618, known as the golden rule. Creating images using this ratio is aesthetically appealing to us and we can find it in things like the composition of the human body, branches of tree limbs and its also believed the Egyptians used this ratio when they built the pyramids. 

After watching Robert Lang's video about origami I found it very interesting that he could create complex figures using 4 basic principles: 2-colorability, any interior vertex M-V +/- 2, alternate angles around a vertex create a straight line and there's no self-intersection at overlaps. I found it fascinating that four basic laws lie in the heart of such a complex art such as origami.  

Lang, Robert. Robert Lang: The math and magic of origami | TED Talk | TED.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Apr. 2017.

Mize, Dianne. "A Guide to the Golden Ratio (AKA Golden Section or Golden Mean) for Artists." Emptyeasel.com. Web. 17 Apr. 2017.

Smith, B. Sidney. "The Mathematical Art of M.C. Escher." Platonic Realms Minitexts. Platonic Realms, 13 Mar 2014. Web. 17 Apr. 2017. 

Abbott, Edwin Abbott. Flatland. N.p.: Princeton Science Library, 1991. Print.

Glydon, Natasha. "The Mathematics of Art." The Mathematics of Art - Math Central. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Apr. 2017.

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