Week 8: Nanotech & Art
As technology evolves we are able to pack more into a phone or computer which means the space inside the object becomes more important. So as space becomes more important, the need for technology to be smaller also becomes just as important. The word "nano" is 10^-9 so a nanometer would be a millionth of a meter which is so small that work has to be done under a microscope. In this week I found "Making Stuff: Smaller", "Art in the Age of Nanotechnology" and Paul Rothemund's TED Talk to be the most influential resources that gave me a better understanding of the topic. The video "Making Stuff: Smaller" gave me a good grasp on how important nanotechnology is for our society. As we've seen over the last few decades technology has evolved rapidly and this nanotechnology allows for this tech to include more features while using less space. For example when the first flat screens came out they weighed about 85 pounds with thick glass pane...